Release Notes 2021.7.15

* New feature: Wind discs! The tower changes the wind patterns frequently and gives you patterns on disc you can choose from yourself.
* New feature: Paint your own wind. Unlocked in creative and late in adventure mode.
* New feature: Wind maps are image files than can also be edited outside of the game.
* New feature: Layers menu on map. Show and hide islands, obstacles and jellyfish.
* Fix: Prevented a ghost piece from being left when undoing a placement with symmetry turned on.
* Fix: Solved multiple problems which could cause energy sails not to return to inventory while building.
* Fix: The graph checkboxes were broken in creative mode.
* Fix: Better handling the deletion of the save folder.
* Fix: Boat widgets turn off when jumping straight from boat to land.
* Fix: Wind on map no longer pops through the clouds sometimes.
* Fix: Blueprint map markers are now always above the clouds.
* Fix: Slight visual improvement when panning map to extremes.
* Fix: Improved text layout for longer popup messages.
* Fix: Prevented map clouds from being pitch black at night.
* Fix: Fixed a typo on the end-game screen.
* Fix: Wind multiplier slider in creative mode would not reset after exiting and re-entering creative mode.
* Removed: Collection menu. It was broken and did not bring me joy.